Thursday, 17 January 2013

ARC - Broke by Mandasue Heller

BrokeBroke by Mandasue Heller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 2 days

Blurb From Goodreads

Amy's marriage to Mark isn't the best—he can't resist the girls or hold down a job. But she doesn't know just how bad things are until his gambling habit brings the debt collector to her door. He makes it brutally clear how she can pay off Mark's debts, and here Amy's troubles are only beginning. Someone else wants Mark for herself and she is ready to steal Amy's man, her self-respect, and even her children. As the stakes rise, Amy will either lose everything,or learn how to be as hard and ruthless as her enemies.

My Review

I think I along with all the other fans waited patiently, or impatiently, for this book. I love Mandasue Heller's writing and she hasn't disappointed in this book.

The book starts jumping right into the story, Amy is pregnant and celebrating her wedding day with her another blue wicked, this is my favorite drink so I loved this wee add-in, when her waters break and everything kicks off. The story then jumps a few years later and Amy and Mark are about to have their lives turned upside down when a money lender comes to collect and Mark leaves Amy to face it. What follows is drugs, prostitution, abuse, heartache and betrayal, this book has everything!

I haven't had a great run with books lately as when your studying and reading academic work I think it is hard to get into fiction as you normally would and worried books had been ruined for me. Heller has flung me back into my love of fiction and provided a much needed break from reality. Had it not been for the demands of work and study I would have devoured this in one sitting.

The characters put you through your paces, I went through disliking Amy, to hating her, liking her, hating her, feeling sorry for her and back full circle. Mark I disliked from the off and I won't even start on Jenny as it would evoke spoilers which I hate. You get totally swept up in the drama and can't put it down.

It is nitty, gritty and some of the writing makes you uneasy however this is what makes a fantastic crime writer, she draws you into the belly of the under world of drugs, money, sex and paints a very dark, depraved and realistic picture. I loved this book, 5/5 - I would recommend it to any one looking for a Martina Cole crime type style and who isn't easily offended.

Thanks so much to Hodder & Stoughton Publishers for providing me with this ARC, you can get your own copy from all good retailers from the 31st of January 2013, paperback for £12.99

View all my reviews


  1. I hadn't heard of Mandasue Heller, but this sounds great. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Isn't it great when an author can draw the reader in completely like this?

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