Saturday, 16 April 2011

30 day book challenge (as posted on facebook)

Day 1 - Your favourite book of all time
Day 2 - Your least favourite book of all time
Day 3 - Your favourite book to recommend to friends
Day 4 - A book you lent out once, never got back and miss
Day 5 - A book that you’ve read the most times
Day 6 - A book you either couldn’t finish or struggled to.
Day 7 - A book that reminds you of somewhere
Day 8 - The book you can quote best
Day 9 - A book you read when you feel down
Day 10 - A book you’ve always meant to have read and never got round to
Day 11 - Your favourite book that has been made into a film
Day 12 - A book you think should be made into a film
Day 13 - A book that disturbed you
Day 14 - An author of a book you just don’t get
Day 15 - A book where you wish you were one of the characters
Day 16 - A book that is a guilty pleasure
Day 17 - The most over hyped book you have ever read
Day 18 - A book you have that belongs to someone else
Day 19 - The most romantic book you have ever read
Day 20 - The saddest or most emotive book you have read
Day 21 - The book that made you look at life in a different way
Day 22 - A book you wish was real life
Day 23 - Your favourite book by a non-British author
Day 24 - Your favourite book as a child
Day 25 - Your favourite book of last year
Day 26 - A book you honestly read in one sitting
Day 27 - Your favourite non-fiction book
Day 28 - Your favourite autobiographical book
Day 29 - Your favourite series of books
Day 30 - The book by your bed right now

Day 1 - Your favourite book of all time. A Time To Kill by John Grisham quite liked the movie too


  1.!/pages/30-Day-Book-Challenge/194874277212932 for the facebookers that might want to do it :)

  2. Yay! I'll join in with this :) A Time To Kill is good :). I've posted mine!

  3. Hi Bonnie, I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog booksfromthepurplejellybeanchair. Your comments meant alot to me. I love your site and I have added it to mine :)I'd like to join you in this and maybe if it's ok with you join it up with my site as well, it's up to you please let me know, if you don't want that I would still like very much to join in on this. :)

  4. lol Nattie its Lainy :D and I have messaged you back

  5. oh sorry :) I got your message, thats great let me know how to link them up and we'll give it a go, I'm really excited. thanks again.

  6. This is a great idea. My answer to the first question is scheduled to post at 10 AM (EST). I'm really looking forward to participating in this challenge.

  7. Hey, i posted to my blog and facebook didnt know how to link but I posted the challenge to my blog as well. :) I have emailed you directions on how to get your tags up top.


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