Friday, 29 April 2011

Follow Friday (possibly number 4)

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4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
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7. If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

The question Q. Keeping with the dystopian and apocalypse theme that seems to be running rampant on, I have one very hard question for you: If you were stocking your bomb shelter, what books would you HAVE to include if you only had space for ten?

I would take my kindle which would last a month, 8 of my fattest books which are myths and legends so lots of different stories which I would never remember all so that would keep me entertained and an Edgar Allan Poe short stories as it is taking an age to get through.

On a seperate note for FF anyone I follow (which is a lot) I make the effort to go back to as I dont see the point in following (or having lots of followers) who never go back it kind of defeats the point. If you comment I will always comment back and the same with following, have a great Friday whilst this one is working.


  1. Hello! New Follower!
    I've always loved Edgar Allen Poe. Especially The Raven. People think I'm weird because of that! :)
    ~Happy Blogging!~

  2. I don't think your weird infact I have heard a lot of people mention that book, maybe that is where I should have started lol

  3. Hello! Thank you for stopping by and becoming a follower. I'm following you back now. :) I love E.A. Poe! I've got a huge complete works edition that I would probably try to smuggle into the shelter. :D Your strategy of bringing books about myths & legends is a sound one. I've read a lot, myself, and you're right: it's hard to remember every single one. I hope you have a great weekend.

  4. Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I just followed you and look forward to keeping up with your blog.
    Donna at My Life. One Story at a Time.

  5. Hi there -

    I am visiting again this week. I didnt even think to bring my biggest books. HMMM great idea.

    You can check out mine here:

  6. Forgot to add - new to Follow Friday.

  7. I'd want to take my Kindle too. But, one month doesn't seem long enough to get through the books I want to, lol.

  8. Hey you, just stopping by on the follow.
    I'm such a fickle reader that my choice of books changes all the time.
    Come check out my fickle choices!
    Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous

  9. I didn't think of Edgar Allen Poe, but that would be a great choice! I have his complete works on my NookColor, but I figured I couldn't really count that lol. Anyway, I am your newest follower. Please hop on over to my blog to follow me back, thanks! :)

    -Sandra from

  10. Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back. :)

    I like your way of doing it. And I'd definitely want to bring my Kindle as well. ;)

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  11. Thanks for stopping by. I'm returning the follow!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.


  12. Hi Lainy,
    Stopping by from Follow Friday. Great idea bringing the fat myths & legends books.

    I'm a new follower.

    Please come on over and check out my 10 picks:
    AsianCocoa's Secret Garden


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