Saturday, 16 April 2011

Random Acts Of Kindness in April

This is my first time trying this, so I do hope I have done it properly.

We often do RAK on RISI(known there as book fairys) but as I am fairly new to the whole blogging world I have decided to give this a go too.

Have also been trying the meme follow Friday which has been fun and finding lots of new and interesting blogs out there.

Watch this space.


  1. If you thought your TBR pile was hefty before, wait til you've been around the blogs a few months and you won't be able to move for newly aquired books, lol.

    As for the button thing, just holler if you want and I'll try and talk you through it. Either here or RISI pm or my email is on my profile if you'd rather. It's tricky to get used to but once you've customised a little bit it gets easier.

    I've got a couple of sites I'll send the link for that help customise blogs. They're really good. I'm just starting tea now, but if I don't hear back I'll send the links after.

    Your blog looks great so far :) I usually make my own templates but have went back to the defaults for easyness. We use the same one :D

  2. No wonder I like yours lol. I am totally in awe I have never been good at stuff like this. Have set up a blogger forum for tips etc but literally just created it last night so haven't even shared the link!

    That would be great hon, just when you have the time xx


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