Friday, 22 April 2011

Review - Day by day armageddon by J L Bourne

A zombie book and I loved it, no suprise there!

This for me was a zombie story with a difference. It is a day by day account of a Navy officer from just before the epidermic hits and daily (sometimes more than one entry per day) journal entries. Normally it is all kill kill kill to keep you hooked and get your imagination going but not so with this book.

You follow his very early methods of self preservation and survival to meeting other survivers and bonding and struggling to stay together and survive a world of horror.

The book is at a great pace, riveting and keeps you guessing to what is going to happen next. Everytime he ventures out will he be next to die? I feel I should elaborate more but to be honest it is so good you just need to grab a copy for yourself.

There is also a guarentee of a follow up book so watch this space, 5/5 for me.

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