Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Review - The Thieves Of Heaven by Richard Doetsch

Meet Michael St. Pierre, a convicted thieve and now a reformed character. But what do you do when the life of the one you love is threatened and the only way you can pay for the medical treatment is to go back to a life you promised you never would.

Michael has no time for religion but loves his wife who never misses a Sunday at chapel and has religion in her heart. Events push Michael to confront his lack of faith and reassess everything he has thought true and face mans unholiest enemy!

I didn't know what to think when I started this to be honest. The first chapter grabs you with a breath taking daring rescue and then jumps to normal everyday events. However a few chapters in an everything becomes clear. It is a whorl wind story with romance, crime, murder and religion which the last I hadn't expected to be such a huge part in the book.

The fight between good and evil becomes a huge part of the book and whilst a lot of people hate reading about it and God and the Devil I think this is a great read and with so many turns and twists it definately kept it interesting.

4/5 for me.

1 comment:

  1. This book is sitting on my shelf, and it sounds really good. I love thieves as main characters. :)


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