Thursday, 12 May 2011

Review - The Burning Wire by Jeffery Deaver

A very short review for me this time.

I started off really disliking this book.  Although the idea of how the murders is committed is pretty genius for me it was a little too complicated and boring when it got down to how it actually happened.

Lincoln as always is a great character along with Sachs which kept my interest held along with his usual struggles with his condition and the management of it.

About half way through the book started to really pick up for me and then the twists and action at the end is what bumped it up from a 2 to a 3 for me.


  1. You have more patience than me as this is one I gave up on, and gave to a friend who loves his books.

  2. I hate giving up on books Lisa, I am going to try and stop the next time I read a book I hate but it is hard going lol


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