Saturday, 11 June 2011

Review - Atlantic, 20 Feet Below by Lloyd Samuels

How is this for dedication people, a review from Vegas as I am on my honeymoon! The weather is stunning, super hot and we still have another week to get through so I am sure I should manage another book or two :D

Blurb from the website -

Sharks are one of nature’s most vicious and efficient predators, but they also rank up there as one of the most intelligent animals under or above the sea.

It is with this in mind that Professor Carl Winthrop undertakes a top secret research mission for the navy under the guise of teaching selected students from his university marine class about the lives and habits of whitetip sharks. Unfortunately, he also attracts the attention of the most deadly of the species, the great white, in a battle for his life!

Meanwhile, back on land, unknown foes on the university board of directors and senate are plotting his downfall for reasons he cannot fathom, until a clever lawyer beings digging and uncovers as convoluted and unethical a plot as ever existed in the world of college politics.

Plot and subplot, The Atlantic: 20 Feet Below will keep you on the edge of your seat as Professor Winthrop battles both human and animal foes above and below the surface.

I received a complimentary copy of (Atlantic, 20 Feet Below) as a member of the
Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit
to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

My review

I recieved this book from Dorrance books

Well most people know by now my weakness for sharks and zombies so I had a great feeling about this book before I started it. Carl Winthrop is in the thick of both parts of the story, the part with the sharks and the part with the skulduggery afoot at the college. The story kicks off fairly quickly both from the shark angle and the suspected plagiarism. Carl Winthrop is most unfortunate and his life is threatened from quite quickly in the story making for a good pace. However on land it slows down and whilst a lot of people will be happy and intrigued by the fight for the truth on land, for me it was always about the shark and what will happen next.

I think this book has something for everyone, Jaws and shark fans will be happy to have a book that is close to the theme set in Jaws and there is a story for people who like academic themed reads with a bit of conspiracy and thriller to it. For me I would have loved more about the shark but it was even set for most people so a 3/5 for me.

You can by this book by using the direct link at the top of the page (next to the blurb) or go directly to the site

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