My rating: 3 of 5 stars
From the back cover
Seven weeks and three days before his death, Edgar walks out on Gwen and their comfortable, long-standing marriage. To aid his search for excitement, he has taken to driving a brand-new cherry red convertible. But it is not adventure that sweeps Edgar away when his car becomes stuck on a level crossing; it is the 8.20 eastbound train.
My Review
The book is a tad confusing at times as it starts off with Gwen staring at Edgars dead corpse, her behaviour at his funeral and her demands at the undertakers. It then goes back and forth between Edgars leaving her, to present day and everything inbetween. Present day, she takes off from the funeral and meets a young lad at an unlikely place with unlikely behaviour which turns her future down a road she never expected.
The book then jumps from Gwen and what is happening to David (the young guy from the bar) and we follow their lives in jumps which you can follow but it is very confusing (well it was for me). The end of the book on Gwens life answers questions and is even a nice ending but with David I was left hanging and with questions, I expected their to be more. I found closure on Gwens chapter but nothing close to it with Davids.
The book is definately worth reading if for nothing else it is different but I certainly didn't love it like I expected. Maybe the problem is I had such high hopes for it (maybe too high). I liked it, but it isn't up there with any of my all time favourites and if I came across another by Joan Barfoot I would read it but I wont be actively searching it out. 3/5 for me.
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I hate it when books jump about in time and are not clear about it. Some do it really well but they always seem to have something that makes you know when it is and who is narrating.