Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Review - Spiral by Koji Suzuki

Spiral (Ring, #2)Spiral by Koji Suzuki

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Blurb from Goodreads

In this award-winning sequel, the story we thought we knew in Ring (the original novel which inspired the blockbuster movie) is broken down and twisted into a new reality.

Ando, a medical doctor haunted by dreams of his drowned son, faces a choice at the end of Spiral more sinister than Asakawa s in Ring.

My review

This is the second book (follow on) from the Ring but can be read as a stand alone (which you might find you enjoy it more if you have nothing to compare it to).

I do hate when you expect so much from a book and don't really get it.

There is a bit of intrigue at the start about Andos childs death but we are soon put in the picture about it. And despite a few deaths with very small unique findings not a lot happens until we hit past page 70 and part two and even then it is only teasing/hinting at what is on the tape.

Then the story delves into DNA and Genetics which I have absolutely no interest in let alone the brain capacity to actually follow it. There are a few (small) moments in the book when you think actually this is interesting but it goes nowhere or is overshaddowed by the DNA coding.

I had really high hopes for this, firstly because I really liked the first book and second because I was told it was great, freaky and a spine chilling read. I would say boring, slow paced (certainly weird at times) and even the way it shaped up was random and just made little to no sense. Didn't really like it, didn't for the most part get why they took it in the direction they did which is why I have to give it 2 out of 5.

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