Saturday, 27 August 2011

100 followers giveaway (poll up)

Since blogging from March this year SMBSLT has seen a lot of visitors from around the globe, 5 pre-loved giveaways(yet to have a UK winner), various author contacts and books to review, random acts of kindness and fabulous new blogs.

So to celebrate my 100th visitor I have put up a poll to see what prize would be favoured. Anyone wanting included please leave a comment and a way for contacting, once the poll is finished (if you don't have a blog and don't want to leave your email inn the open just contact through the usual form with 100 followers as the title).

You can contact me You can contact me Click here to contact me

*IMPORTANT* The poll is just so I know what the prize will be I need you to let me know you want to be included so remember to comment here or contact via the usual form

I will do the usual names in bowl to pick a winner.

Thanks to everyone, followers, authors and fellow bloggers.


  1. Please include me in the contest. Thanks!


  2. I want included too! Thanks and congratulations on 100 visitors!!


    Shirley @ My Bookshelf

  3. Hi -jaffa and I wish you continuing success with your blog and would love to be entered in your give-away.
    You know where we are !!

  4. Please include me on the contest :) I voted on the poll :) congrats on the 100th follower/visitor!

    fallendream03 AT gmail DOT com

  5. No UK Winner of your pre-loved giveaways? That's a challenge! I'll have to enter every single one (only if it's a book I like obviously). Well done with your blog. I love reading it.

  6. I would love to be included x

  7. Hi please include me in the contest too, I've voted in your poll, great blog and wish you lots more happy blogging!

  8. I would love to be in the contest- good reads! contact: yes.4eva.r(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. I would love to be included in the contest x Jenny x


More Competitions available at

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