Thursday, 1 September 2011

August Pre-loved Giveaway and the winner is.......................

Sarah (no website provided). Well done Sarah, I will email the winner and if I haven't heard back in 24 hours I will pick another.

Thank you so much to everyone who entered. This was the most popular giveaway so far with 74 entries.

I put all of the entries into my cowgirl hat and hubby picked the winner.

There is still 2 days left for the other competiton (to celebrate 100 followers) and the poll to pick which prize you would prefer. Looks like a new book is the favourite by far so if you haven't already entered that it isn't too late.

1 comment:

  1. joined – you can find my blog at –
    I am joining anyone who joins my blog
    and can add me on Facebook if you wish
    and this is my new fan page


More Competitions available at

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