Friday, 25 November 2011

Follow Friday

Follow Friday is a meme hosted over at ParaJunkee if you want to take part please click on the link and read what you need to do.

This Fridays question is Q: It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. so we want to know what you are Thankful for – blogging related of course! Who has helped you out along the way? What books are you thankful for reading?

For me it is all the wonderful people I have met doing this, I have found new authors via review requests and been introduced to new genres. But also wonderful bloggers including the co host of this FF who I have followed since I first did these memes and everytime I stop over she always takes the time to reply to my comment and returns the visit which can't be said about a lot of bloggers and I really appreciate whe people do this (look at her amount of followers it is no easy feat!). I always return visits/follows and comments but know how time consuming it can be.

I am also thankful to the lovely people who don't think twice about helping out when I need it or answering my many many questions and they have fabulous blogs too. I hate naming some because you are guarenteed to miss so many as there are wonderful people out there but the most recent are Carole Ellie Jenny Lindsay to name but a few (and all of my followers on Twitter).

It has been a while since I have done a FF but it is good fun and a great way to meet and reconnect with other bloggers. If you have found your way here for the first time or revisiting please check out the giveaways and upcoming competitions. Feel free to share or tweet them and any comments and new followers will be returned, thanks.


  1. Thank you for the mention :) You are most welcome. I do love our blogging community spirit.

    carol :)

  2. It's always hard to be specific because you don't want to hurt feelings. Great post. It's so wonderful when people help you without a second thought!

    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction (new follower)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Better Read Than Dead and following. I have happily returned the favor.

    Have a great weekend.

    My Follow Friday


  4. These book bloggers seem to be the friendliest and welcoming people I've met! How awesome it is that they've made such a difference in your life. Nice thank-you!

    Here's mine:

    New follower ^_~

    sinn @ sinnful books

  5. Book bloggers are the best people =]

    Thanks for the follower, following you back.


  6. I'd say book bloggers are the best! I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!
    My Follow Friday!!

  7. Thanks for popping over to visit Lainy :)

    I'm doing well, thanks. How are you? Just parted with 80 quid yesterday to get the laptop back and it's running like a charm now, although it's back to factory settings and I've lost all my saved passwords for everything so I'll struggle a bit to get back to where I was. :(

    Spookily enough I was just thinking of you, not 5 mins ago! I was thinking that my pile(s) of books seem to multiply whenever my back is turned and I'm toying with the idea of doing a 'pre loved' giveaway thing like you do. It's on the 'to do' list :D

  8. Thank you for following my blog! I'm following yours back and Alison is different from the other bloggers for doing that, I know how hard it is, especially with over a hundred blogs to visit!

  9. Thanks for hopping by my blog. Following back. Happy FF.

  10. Here to return the favor and become a new follower. Thank you for following my blog :0)

    I like the title of your blog. I especially love your FB profile pic.

    Hope you have a great weekend! Good luck on your GR reading challenge for this year :0)

  11. There's a lot of blogging friends to be thankful for! More than a few have helped me out in the past! Don't know what I would've done without them!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. New follower, thanks for stopping by. To get the blog list if you are on parajunkes site and just entered yours tothe list there is a button that says to get the link click here. Thats the one I use, it takes you to a seperate page. When I use the one on the post I don't get the list. Hope that helps you next to get the blog roll :)

  13. I love it when other blogger return to visit you after you've stopped by their blog. :)

    Thanks for stopping by at For The Love of Reading!

  14. Getting requests for reviews in genre's I am not as familiar with is always a little scary for me...but you are right in that for the most part I have found it to be a rewarding experience. (knocking on wood now!)


  15. Thank you so much for the wonderful shout out. That's so sweet of you. It's ironic that it came on the one weekend where I don't have any time to comment on the FFs :-) Unfortunately, I'm not perfect about commenting back, but I really try to get to as many people as I can since I like having people visit my blog too.

  16. I love getting comments cause then you know people are reading what you're posting, new follower, here's mine

  17. Thanks for stopping by! Followed you back :) Have an awesome weekend xx

  18. Thanks for the great blogger recommendations!


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