Saturday, 10 March 2012

A.R.R - The Tribe by McCarty Griffin

The TribeThe Tribe by McCarty Griffin

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 4 hours

Blurb From Goodreads

The tribe has been alone on the farm for many seasons, struggling to survive by their wits and will, unaided by the humans who abandoned them there years ago. Few members of the tribe outside of Tia, the eldest, and her fiercely loyal companion Bella, remember a time when two-legs--the cats' name for humans--lived in the farmhouse. Suddenly, the tribe's territory is invaded by a young two-legs couple, and the frightened cats ask themselves why have two-legs come to live there after so many seasons and what will happen to the tribe at the hands of these often cruel creatures?

My Review

The tribe (a huge and mixed family of cats) have lived on the farm for years, mostly in peace since the previous two-legs(human) left. Now there are new two-legs, two females and a male and the cats know things will never be the same.

The story is told half from the cats point of view and half from the humans. It is a very unique story and to be honest I haven't read anything like it before. The two-legs want to help the cats anyway they can and the cats don't trust them for a second as many have been before and tried to kill them. The story tells of how things progress, what the humans do and how the cats view and react to it.

I wouldn't say it is a story for children as there is one scene in particular about a cat devouring its prey and blood and organs mentioned. It is a light hearted tale for adults and cat lovers would really like it I think. Some of the cat dialogue is a bit silly "great mouse droppings" but I think some readers might actually really like it. A nice different wee story to break up the usual kind of genres I have been reading, 3/5 for me.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Just not sure if I like the idea of this or not, thanks for the review.


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