Wednesday, 18 April 2012

ARR - What Were Once Miracles Are Now Children's Toys by Ira Nayman

What Were Once Miracles Are Now Children's ToysWhat Were Once Miracles Are Now Children's Toys by Ira Nayman

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Time Taken To Read - Around a month, dipping in and out of it

Blurb From Goodreads

Without fear, favour or the faintest connection to a universe that makes sense, Alternate Reality News Service reporters strive to bring you the most interesting, informative or least expensive news from the multiverse. This new collection of science fiction journalism includes news articles about: -a world in which the best way to cure cancer may be to negotiate with individual diseased cells; -a project to collect, rebuild and reanimate the atoms that made up Albert Einstein's body (so far, they have most of his ankle ); -China avoiding a war with the United States (without firing a shot) by repossessing the American military in payment of the country's debt; -a woman suing General Motors for palimony, claiming that the corporation, legally a person, was the father of her child. This volume also contains a seven-part behind-the-scenes look at the Alternate Reality News Service called "The Weight of Information." What Were Once Miracles Are Now Children's Toys: because, now, more than ever, if you don't like this reality, choose another one Praise for the previous Alternate Reality News Service book, Alternate Reality Ain't What It Used To Be "T]his is a great little volume to leave lying in the bathroom. Or on the coffee table. Anywhere people might pick it up to leaf through. And if you do, you won't be able to stop at just one entry." - Charles de Lint, Books To Look For, Fantasy and Science Fiction "Thanks for the terrific book I love it." - Andrei Codrescu, author of The Posthuman Dada Guide: Tzara and Lenin Play Chess Ira Nayman has written radio plays, film and television scripts, produced a short film and is the creator of the offbeat humor website Les Pages aux Folles. Mr. Nayman received his M.A. in Media Studies from the New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. in Communications from McGill University. He grew up in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. When he is not being funny all over the place, Mr. Nayman teaches New Media at Ryerson University. Publisher's website:

My Review

I have been on this book for the best part of a month, dipping in and out of it as I couldn't read it continuously. The book consists of one chapter dealing with the head office at the alternate news headquarters and alternates between that and a chapter of random newspaper articles.

Their is no introduction, you are just thrown right into the story(s) - the newspaper articles you don't need to have read any of the others as they are unconnected (from what I remember). The headquarters does have a few characters that you get to know briefly along the way but there is no real story.

It is a tongue in cheek book with silliness pretty much being the theme which will strike a cord with a lot of people but it just wasn't for me. I just couldn't get into it. I like to know how things came to be and what the point to it is - you don't get this with this book. I am sure it will be popular with readers who like randomness and silliness but I personally need some kind of context in my books. Sadly there was nothing I liked about this book at all so can only give it a 1/5 rating. Thanks to the author for giving me the chance to try and review his work.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. I'm a sucker for a good cover and this one isn't appealing.


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