Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Review - I Zombie by Nick Spalding

I, ZombieI, Zombie by Nick Spalding

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 9 days

Blurb From Goodreads

A story of the thinking dead...

"My name is Jim Monroe, and I am a zombie.
"My natural life on this planet has ceased and I've been re-animated to stalk the world as a pale, hollow imitation of my former self.
"I'm different from my undead brethren though... I'm a zombie with a brain.
"This is the short, shocking story of how I came to be this way."

My Review

Well it really was a short story (took me so long as I only read it on my phone at breaks!). Jim Monroe wakes up dead, takes stock and figures our he is a zombie. What follows is a very short account of what he does next, what he thinks and experiences.

It is what it is, free, short and a different spin on the zombie tale. I think it had so much potential to be so much more however as I said it is so short in length you only get a wee taster if you like. However if you like your zombies there is no harm in checking it out. Get it for free on amazon - it's worth checking out but nothing to write home about. I would love to see this as a novella and more done with Jim, 3/5 this time.

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1 comment:

  1. It sounds like its got possibilities. Too bad it's so short.


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