Wednesday, 25 July 2012

P.R.R - Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating by Eleanor Prescott

Alice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of DatingAlice Brown's Lessons in the Curious Art of Dating by Eleanor Prescott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time Taken To Read 1.5 days

Blurb From Goodreads

Sometimes finding your dream man is a job for a professional...Alice Brown has the best job in the world. She's a matchmaker and spends her days helping people fall in love, all the while imagining her own Prince Charming, who's somehow never come along. Her latest client is Kate. She's 569 days from her 35th birthday and she's already five years behind in her life plan. Desperate to find the perfect man, she enlists Alice's help, but will anyone measure up to her standards? Meanwhile Alice is coping with her awful boss, Audrey, and trying to stop herself falling in love with someone else's man. But what if she's got it all wrong? Will Alice find Kate's Mr Right? And when it comes to her own Prince Charming, will she be able to take her own advice?

My Review

Alice Brown is pretty much our main character (although there are a few other key characters as well). She works as a matchmaker in a dating agency and loves nothing more than sifting through the clients to see who is perfect for who. She seems like an unlikely candidate for the job being a plain Jane, simplistic girl who is single but she knows her stuff and her clients love her unlike her horror boss. Our other main characters as Alice's boss, Audrey and Kate who has a life plan but can't get the much needed man to fill it and time is running out as she is in the over 30s club.

Well what can I say, it is another chick lit book and whilst they aren't my first choice I did really enjoy it. The chapters are small so you can dip in and out as you please, whilst you get a chapter per character (and there are a few, the main ones and as the story progresses a few others) you don't get lost or confused at all as they have the persons name at the top of each one.

With most chick lit you pretty much know how the story is going to pan out however there were a few nice surprises along the way. It is well written and the story just flows off the pages, you don't have to think too much at all with it which makes it a perfect wee read pretty much anytime. A great start to what I hope is a new writer and look forward to reading more of her work, 4/5 for me this time. Thank you so much to the publisher for giving me the opportunity to review this book and introducing me to yet another promising new author.

View all my reviews


  1. It sounds like nice chic lit, which I do enjoy from time to time.

  2. Thanks for a great review :)! I just found your blog & will definitely be following it from now on! I recently started a new book blog if you want to take a look:
    Thanks again!

  3. I've got this one to read too, and I'm really looking forward to it, thanks for a fab review x


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