Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Review - Caught by Harlan Coben

CaughtCaught by Harlan Coben
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Time Taken To Read - 1.5 days

Blurb From Goodreads

Reporter Wendy Tynes is making a name for herself, bringing down sexual offenders on nationally-televised sting operations. But when social worker Dan Mercer walks into her trap, and is tied to the disappearance of a seventeen-year-old New Jersey girl, the shocking consequences will have Wendy doubting her instincts about the motives of the people around her.

My Review

This book starts off fairly quick. There is a sting, set up by a reporter to bust a paedophile and it is all recorded and broad casted on tv. The case falls through and the reporter needs to sink her teeth into something else. Soon she stumbles on something that she will uncover, even if it ruins her life, or worse kills her.

The story splits into two main stories, the accused paedophile and the disappearance of a young respectable girl. There is a lot of twists in the story and after a bit of digging Wendy, the reporter, finds some coincidences between Dan and his old college friends and something that may explain recent going ons.

Some of the book was quite well paced, interesting and I was dying to find out what happened to the missing girl. I felt the disappearance dominated the first part of the story but quickly it was dealt with and another part focused on, only for it to be brought back up later. I didn't like this approach although I did like some of the other situations that arose after. To be honest I swayed between a 2 and 3 star rating and would have liked to have given a 2.5. Some of it was drawn out and didn't seem relevant, things that had dragged where then solved really quickly and moved onto something else. Whilst I like to have answers to everything in my books I don't like it convenient like that. So it says a 3/5 there but I would say 2.5 - I do enjoy this author but prefer the others I have read.

View all my reviews


  1. I read this earlier this year and I agree it's not as good as the other books of his I've read - it felt like there was a few too many plot strands going on so at the end as you say some of them were rushed to a conclusion.


  2. I haven't read this but have enjoyed his other books. However, I've found that they're becoming very much the same story replayed in a different way.


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