Tuesday, 9 September 2014

September's giveaway is The World Is A Wedding by Wendy Jones

You can find my review here - http://www.alwaysreading.net/2014/08/prr-world-is-wedding-by-wendy-jones.html As always, the competition will remain open until the end of the month. Apologies it has taken so long to list, I was on holiday and have a few reviews to catch up with too.

Just fill in the rafflecopter below, the more options you do the more entries you have. Good luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love to go to my local seaside, I haven't been able to go for quiet a few years now due to disability's so would be lovely to get back there one day

  2. I will be going up the coast to visit my mother soon. Yay!!

  3. My dream location is Canada because of the scenery but as money is not as free flowing as I'd like it will probably be Great Yarmouth with the kids who love a beach holiday.


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