Saturday, 11 October 2014

Review - Bridesmaids by Jane Costello

BridesmaidsBridesmaids by Jane Costello
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 1 day

Pages - 419

Blurb from Goodreads

Four weddings, three disgruntled ex-boyfriends in the congregation, two wayward 'chicken-fillet' boob enhancers, and one gorgeous man, it's tough being a bridesmaid.

My Review

This is a great chick lit book. Evie is one hour away from walking down the isle in front of her best friend, Grace, who is getting married. It's stressful, things are going wrong however, her chicken fillets are in place and she spots a hot specimen whilst on an errand. Things go hilariously wrong from there on in and this is only the first of a few weddings Evie is part of. Evie has a string of ex boyfriends who seem to crop up at the most inopportune moment. Her mother is quite unique and a little embarrassing and all of these weddings are filling her with dread.

This book covers friendship, relationships, wedding preparations, betrayal, secrets and love to name just some of the themes. The book is made up of short chapters which is great for picking up and putting down however the content will make you want to read it in one sitting.

It is light hearted with some serious themes, it reminded a bit of the movie Bridesmaids, if you liked that you will love this. First time reading this author, I would certainly read her again. She had me laughing out loud, recalling some of my own past relationships and sympathizing, and hating, some of the characters. 4/5 for me this time and if your just wanting something light or a good holiday read, look no further.

View all my reviews


  1. Sounds like a fun read. Giving the book that I'm reading at present is such a hard slog this sounds ideal as a light hearted, laugh out loud book.

  2. This sounds like such a fun read! I used to dislike books like this, but for the life of me I can't think why now. Sometimes a person needs a book like this, just as Tracy said. Great review, Lainy!

  3. Sounds hilarious, I think my daughter who recently got married may enjoy this one!


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