Saturday, 23 May 2015

Blueeyed Boy by Joanne Harris

BlueeyedboyBlueeyedboy by Joanne Harris
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 7 days

Pages - 410

Publisher - BlackSwan

Blurb from Goodreads

'Once there was a widow with three sons, and their names were Black, Brown and Blue. Black was the eldest; moody and aggressive. Brown was the middle child; timid and dull. But Blue was his mother's favourite. And he was a murderer.'

My Review

Black, Brown and Blue all boys born to Mrs Green, hard working, bitter, angry, twisted and her boys the product of it. The story centers around Blue, although Black and Brown are discussed in small sections at different parts of the story. The format is online entries to a fiction site run by Blue, restricted and open diary entries by him and another who is linked to Blues past. There are tales of murder, posted by Blue on his fiction website however you pause at parts and think, is this cleverly done as truth posted as fiction posted as truth?

I am in the minority with this book, I really didn't like it to be honest. I found the format off putting and hard to follow at times having to go back and check was this a fiction post, was it a restricted, was it posted for manipulation?

None of the characters are likable, the main characters are linked in one way or another although it takes an age to discover who and why. The synesthesia aspect was really interesting though as I haven't came across that before and it worked well with the back story.

Give it a go, lots of people loved it or really enjoyed it, alas it just was not for me, 2/5 this time. I have read this author before and I would read her again however, if she brought out another from this series, I would not.

View all my reviews


  1. I don't fancy this one at all. I like a story that grabs me and keeps me interested, and I’m not sure this one would.
    Thanks so much for commenting on both of my blogs. My sister will really appreciate your comment.

  2. I have to say the unusual format sounds appealing to me. I like odd and experimental forms of writing as they sometimes seem a relief from the routine.

    I also tend to like unlikable characters. With that said too much unlike-ability can be off putting.


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