Sunday, 26 July 2015

A lovely Saturday

It isn't often I blog anything other than reviews and giveaways, maybe an odd interview with an author. However, yesterday was such a great day I thought I would share some of it with you guys.

The weather, in typical Scottish style went from sunny to rainy intermittently, however it was so nice I took the opportunity to fire it up and read outside.

You really do have to enjoy the little things in life and I can honestly say, reading outside by and open fire is most definitely one of them.

I haven't received book post with more than one book in ages due to taking time out for study and my coursework. I recently amended my review tab as my course is nearing the end and I will be able to start accepting reviews again. These two beauts came through, Lisa Gardner I have read before I am sure and Melissa Bailey is a new one for me and it is always nice to find a new author.

We went a walk to try and spot some deers however youngsters were out with motorbikes so we had no chance, however I got some beautiful pictures of the skyline at the top of the hill.

We sat out so long the daylight went and I sat and read by firelight, it was honestly one of the nicest things I have experienced in a while. Just so peaceful and the kitty even joined us once or twice throughout the day. This wee fishbowl is left over from a party we attended last weekend. I loathe the colour pink and have ordered purple balls however, it did look pretty nice on the outside table to the opposite side of the fire.


  1. Lovely. It's still 90 degrees at 10 o'clock at night here in Texas.

  2. Summer is such a great time, I love it. We have so many deer around where I live it is impossible not to spot them.

    I try to read outdoors but somehow there always seem to be a lot distractions and I do not seem to be able to make much progress.

    Happy reading Lainy!

  3. Hi Lainy,

    If I am at home during the day, I can't seem to settle to reading, I can always think of one chore or another that I should be doing!

    My best time for reading is very early in the morning, when I am the first one up and about and I can relax with my cereal breakfast and a nice strong mug of black coffee and get a good half hours reading completely uninterrupted.

    Down here in Somerst, Friday and today (Sunday) have been terrible days. Nothing but constant rain, driving winds and not very warm to boot.

    Saturday however was a wonderful day, blue skies, beautiful sunshine and summer temperatures all the way. We drove into the New Forest, petted a few New Forest ponies, then headed down to Hythe on the south coast, from where we had a birds eye view of a couple of luxury cruise lines leaving the port of Southampton. We had great company and a lovely Italian meal to round off a fantastic day.

    Only in Britain could two days be so unalike :)


  4. That does sound like a lovely day! It's so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life, so being able to have a day of walking and reading and just enjoying being outdoors and alive is so wonderful.

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful day, lovely photos. Reading by the fire sounds divine. Enjoy the books!


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