Sunday, 6 September 2015

The New Woman by Charity Norman

The New WomanThe New Woman by Charity Norman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 2.5 days

Pages - 374

Publisher - Allen & Unwin

Blurb from Goodreads

Luke Livingstone is a lucky man. He's a respected solicitor, a father and grandfather, a pillar of the community. He has a loving wife and an idyllic home in the Oxfordshire countryside. Yet Luke is struggling with an unbearable secret, and it's threatening to destroy him.

All his life, Luke has hidden the truth about himself and his identity. It's a truth so fundamental that it will shatter his family, rock his community and leave him outcast. But Luke has nowhere left to run, and to continue living, he must become the person - the woman - he knows himself to be, whatever the cost.

My Review

Luke Livingstone is about to end his life, he has it all planned. He must save his family from his shame, he cannot live with his secret any longer. However, a chance encounter on a train makes Luke confront his demons and embrace his life long dream. In doing so and living the life he has always wanted, he may hurt everyone he loves and ruin everything he has ever known.

This is honestly not a book I would normally have picked up, just the title wouldn't grab me and I haven't heard of it before. This is the story of Luke Livingstone, coming to terms with what he has always known and embracing it. It is told through his voice and excerpts from Eilish, Luke, Kate, Lucia & a small part from Simon. How one mans actions and journeys can impact on a whole family and how they each deal with it.

It is a very emotive story, dealing with a subject that touches so many lives yet is still something we hear not very much of. Funnily enough, it isn't too long ago Caitlyn Jenner embraced the world, maybe this book and positive media may make it a more acceptable world so people aren't having to hide for years from who they really are.

The book examines relationships, friendships, love, fear, violence, marriage and trans gender related issues to name only some of the themes touched upon on this book. I found it hard to put down and I felt for most of the characters having to deal with such a huge issue it evoked empathy and really makes the reader think. 4/5 for me this time, this is my first time reading this author and I would read her again. Thanks so much to RealReaders for sending me a copy of this in exchange for an honest review and introducing me to a new author.

View all my reviews


  1. Sounds like an interesting read especially since it touches on trans gender issues. Great post.

  2. This sounds fascinating.

    In some quarters of social media Trans Gender issues are being extensively discussed and examined. Society's views on this are changing so fast.

    In the end I think that we are heading towards a more tolerant accepting world.

  3. It sounds like tissues may well be needed reading this. Sounds like a wonderfully topical read, definitely one I'll keep a look out for.

  4. Terrific review, Lainy! It does sound like an engaging story.

  5. I haven't heard of this book before but it sounds like an interesting read.


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