Thursday, 6 October 2016

Sweet Temptation by Lucy Diamond

Sweet TemptationSweet Temptation by Lucy Diamond
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 1 day

Pages - 447

Blurb from Goodreads

Maddie's getting it from all sides. Her bitchy new boss at the radio station humiliates her live on air about her figure, her glamour-puss mum keeps dropping not-so-subtle hints that Maddie should lose weight and her kids are embarrassed to be seen with her after the disastrous Mums' race at their school sports day. Something's got to change...

My Review

Three main characters, Maddie, Jess and Lauren all are trying to lose weight so they join FatBusters club, not all exactly voluntarily. Maddie is pushed on by her horrible boss at the radio station and her journey publicly cataloged. Jess is desperate to be everything her partner wants her to be, including thin enough to be his bride. Lauren is a successful business woman who runs a dating agency but lost her husband to another woman and wants to slim down a bit. The woman find friendship when none are looking for it and come together to battle the bulge and overcome personal difficulties.

I can't remember if I have ever read Diamond before however this will not be my last. Chick lit at its best, humour, emotional, touching, friendship, families, weight issues, diets, abuse and love are only some of the subjects tackled in this tale. Whilst some scenes and exchanges make for uncomfortable reading it mirrors the reality of some of the real life struggles individuals experience. I do like when art imitates life, it adds authenticity to the story and gives weight to the characters. 4/5 for me this time, I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys chick lit with some serious undertones.

View all my reviews


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this, Lainy! I hope you are having a good week.

  2. Oh it's been a while for a good chick lit book. Might be about time. Looks like I need to check out this author. Brilly review!

  3. I enjoy books like this one, I'll have to keep an eye out.


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