Monday, 20 February 2017

Wee catch up

February hasn't been the most active with posts on here as you may have noticed if you are a regular visitor to the blog, I also have only read 5 books this month which, for me, isn't a lot considering I had some time off. Well there has been lots going on and most recently has been with Princess Trixie (the adorable kitty that features on here).

We took her in for her check up, she is 16 has stage 3 kidney failure and every day we get is one more than we expected but she had been grand. It wasn't great news, her health had deteriorated, her weight dropped 7%, her eyesight was going, arthritis is getting worse and starting in her front legs. We left and it was pretty emotional however she got some strong painkillers which seen her rally the last time & they took some bloods.

We got a phone call from the vet on Saturday to say all bloods were much better than expected, we were going out to celebrate a friends big birthday so it turned into a double celebration. And what better way to celebrate than with my fav drink and a wee goblet with a super cool nerdy bottle opener.

One night after her painkillers and we had a very playful kitty, if you follow us on Instagram (Always_reading) you can see a wee video of her!

So now that we have our blog mascot fighting fit for another day, I am considering trying a new feature as I don't know about you but I LOVE seeing peoples furbabies and books so watching this space. Now I can concentrate on reading I can get stuck into the ever growing TBR list and I have some time off coming up which is just as well with all the incoming reviews.

Today will be catching up on my reviews, I have already posted my thoughts on Rattle, the new debut by Fiona Cummins and hoping to get another few up and finish my current read. I wanted something a bit different and it has been a while since I added to my zombie reads so today is Underground from the ZomB series by Darren Shan.


  1. Lovely to see your wee Princess featured here as well as on FB. I'm so glad that those tests were looking positive.

    1. Thank you Tracy, it really has been up and down, the wee night light has been helping with the dementia symptoms as well. She is a wee lamb.

      Lainy xxx

  2. Princess Trixie is gorgeous, and I'm very glad she is doing so well now. Thanks for your Instagram link, I've just followed you. I have an Instagram account but haven't got around to posting anything yet, but it will be nice to keep up with you on there.

    1. Aw thank you Barbara, hopefully you will get to see a bit more of Princess Trixie, our travels and of course the hundreds of books we buy xxx


  3. I had resolved to read more this year. I finished four books in February. I considered that a major success. Thus I am jealous of your five books:)

    I am glad to hear that your Kitty is doing OK. I love animals, particularly cats. It can be so difficult when they get older.


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