Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Edinburgh Blogger Author meet up

Yesterday I finally made it to one of the bigger planned blogger/author meet ups, arranged by the lovely Joanne from Portobello Book Blog nip over for a wee visit, she is a great blogger. Our table only had myself and Joanne as bloggers and we were otherwise surrounded by authors. The table over from us I think had a good mix of both. It is so nice to see people you have been chatting to online for so long and finally put faces to and get a chance to gab. Sadly because we were so very many I didn't get to gab to everyone but there is always next time, I definitely will be going to another.

Hosted in Edinburgh, I traveled through on the train and only got lost 3 times when I left them, I took the travel opportunity to get out Alan Jones Bloq bookmarks for the tour..

I met and had a chat with the lovely Triona Scully, seen here with her new book, check it out!

Here is the lovely Wendy H Jones with the 1st in a series of books she has written, Wendy very kindly gave me a copy and I got it signed so once I get around to reading it, we will have a signed copy giveaway *squeel*.

And the beautiful Helen MacKinven with her book baby, no stranger to SMBSLT and you can find my reviews of both books on here and on Goodreads. Still pushing and hoping for Senga to get her own book, c'moan Helen.

Here is the lovely Annemarie Allan with her book Charlie's Promise. I also came home with a wee copy of this.

Always time to take notes, even if we are lunching, writers are always working or hatching a plan.

And here is Natalie Fergie with her beautiful new book, The Sewing Machine isn't it a lovely cover!

I may not have got a chance to gab to everyone but I did get a quick hello with most and some of their fab blog/website cards, including the lovely Kelly from LovesBooksGroup.

I can't believe I don't have a picture of Joanne :O there was so many folk to mingle with I also didn't get a chance to get a group picture. Definitely get full shots the next meet up, was a great day, food was lovely and the waiters did well to keep on top of so many. xxx Oh and to top it off, afterwards I went to meet o/h and friends and I saw a fire juggler outside the pub and got to clap his gigantic dog, bought books and a Guns n Roses totebag, absolute bliss.


  1. What a fun post! I enjoyed seeing your photos, and hearing a bit about this meet up.

  2. This event sounds like so much fun and in Edinburgh too! Love it there. Have subscribed too so I don't miss your future posts! www.laurapatriciarose.co.uk

  3. It looks like a fun event. I love the GNR tote!


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