Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Calling horror fans and a wee pre loved giveaway

If you follow the blog on all the platforms you know we went to horror con again recently. I grew up loving the horror genre, Master Stephen King sparked my life long love of reading, I really had no place reading horrors at such a young age but I loved it and still do! It has rekindled the passion, we embarked on a binge of horror movies and I have pulled out some of my horror reads and ordered a fair few more, some new authors for me.

These mugs I bought for all the girls going to horror con, I cannot recommend the seller enough guys. UK based, fabulous customer service and very very reasonable prices. Have a wee look, like her page if you get a chance. I have used my mug many times and it is still perfect (handwash only). The candle I got smells lovely but I love it so much I can't bring myself to light it, yet. You can find them on Facebook, Silly Rockabilly's Handmade Horrors. Last night, I also made a wee Facebook group for Lovers of Horror, click here to join us for horror chat (books, movies, events) and bringing lovers of the genre together. It seems there is actually loads of horror events all over the place and hoping to get to a few more this year.

I also thought rather than popping my dvd into charity, I would put it up as a giveaway. Watched once, region 2, approx 99 minutes long and released in 2008 I think.

Open worldwide, hoping to connect with horror fans all over and it is a perfect opportunity to get recommendations from you guys for some great horror movies/books. Stephen King remains one of my all time faves, looking forward to hearing yours. Good luck if entering the giveaway, as always, enter using Rafflecopter, any issues just shout, message, tweet.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It is my favourite horror movie

  2. This sounds like a scary one!

  3. I've just broken into reading horror (which I thought I'd never do) but haven't quite broken the film barrier to a large degree yet. :)

  4. Without question my favourite is The Evil Dead 2. Just a classic mix of horror and humour.

  5. Glad you survived our very own Beast from the East, I've been following your snowy adventures on FB.

    A proper scaredy cat. I used to read horror novels a lot as a teenager but found the older I got the more they scared me to the point I'd have to put the light on even to pay a visit to the loo.

    Your love of candles ... now that I can understand.

  6. I would love to go to horror con, I'll have to google and see if we have that here! And those mugs are great! I *heart* SK. He is the author who made me love reading, his books were the first adult books I read.

  7. The Shining, Setephen King, love all films

  8. The Spear by James Herbert.

  9. i love christine by stephen king


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