Tuesday, 22 May 2018


What exactly is a Bookstagrammer? Well, some people think it means different things however ultimately, I think we all agree it is people on Instagram who post all things books.

I have a wee Instagram account, primarily for my bookposts but I do post randoms too, if travelling, animals, outdoors, Potter related stuff, food/drink, Princess Trixie (although she has her own account, yes I am that person who made an account for their cat lol). I would say I am a book geek who just loves taking photos of most things but the hashtags help connect and find like minded folk. You can find my Instagram here!

I first heard the term bookstagram when someone asked me why I hadn't added it to my book post (picture of a book I popped on Instagram). So now, if I have a book photo I generally add the tag. However there are some pretty amazing bookstagrammer accounts out there that use it properly. They create amazing book posts, photos of books with amazing backgrounds, books with themes, books with animals, books with book related clothes/items. I can spend hours just scrolling through some of the amazing pictures posted.

Some bookstagrammers also review on Instagram. So a photo of the book, relevant hashtags and then they include their full review, this isn't something I do but I do like the different options and I love the photos.

So I got a book in that I am on the blog tour for "Dead Girls" by Graeme Cameron. As it is crime fiction I have some tape I bought for a party I was yet to use. So, I got it out to do as a wee background, of course Trixie needed to get into it and have a sniff.

We have a new birdfeeder so a lot of birds have recently been visiting and we found this feather this morning so I had to add that into the piccy. How great would it be if in the book there is something bird or feather related!

My turn for the blog tour is this week and I am working a few shifts before it so I have had to put my current read aside to get into this one, many thanks to Joe from HQStories for sending.

If you have an Instagram account or are a bookstagrammer please leave your link so I can check it out. Always looking to add more book related accounts to follow.


  1. I do tag my books with those tags but I sure do not make an effort like some. They make such wonderful pics!

    1. what is your account name and I will check it out xxx

  2. I’m rubbish at taking photos but I do like seeing everyone else’s sterling contributions

    1. some are fantastic, love the animal contributions xxx

  3. Bookstagram looks like it is so cool. I have an Instagram account but I hand not used it in years. I would delve into it but time is always an issue.

    1. Oh if you go back to it Brian let me know your account xxx

  4. I am on Instagram., but I mostly post food photos. I do have some book photos though. :)

  5. Yet to be tempted by Instagram but seeing this today I'm almost tempted.

    1. They have some fantastic accounts with animals, you could spend hours on it for that alone xxx

  6. I’ve never heard of a bookstagrammer before. I need to have a nose. Love your last pic . Hope trixie didn’t get tangled in tape x


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