Thursday, 21 June 2018
An evening with crime writers at Waterstones
I love book events, I haven't been to many of late but I managed to hobble along last night, my o/h and friend came too. My o/h reads very few authors/books and usually on when on holiday, he came last night more as a "carer" for me but actually really enjoyed the evening.
Last night was Steve Cavanagh and Mark Billingham chaired by Christopher Brookmyre, these guys are hilarious. I had no idea Cavanagh was irish and could listen to that accent all night!
James introduced the guys, went over the safety as per and opened a great evening. If you aren't familiar with Sauchiehall street Waterstones they are now sporting a wee bar. So you can enjoy the events with a wee wine, soft drink or a water if that suits you. They also have a Harry Potter section, it is like a wee Harry Potter common room, I dind't get any pictures, I was so sore by the time I got there I beelined for my chair. I have took pictures previously, I am sure they are on my Insta, next time I am in I will get more.
Neither of the guys read out of their books, they just chatted, shared some stories, had a laugh and spoke about the books. Mark's book "The Killing Habit" is ook 15 in the Thorne series. There has been a lot of chat in the clubs about this one as the perp is killing animals and hasn't yet moved onto humans. I really hate animal cruelty and struggle to read books that contain it, however listening to Mark last night I am hoping it isn't actually too huge in the book, or too graphic. I may get my o/h to read it first for me though, just in case lol, inspired by the "Motorway cat killer" and discussing how many of these poor animals have been killed by this maniac.
Steve spoke about his new book Th1rt3en it is part of a series but can be read as a standalone. This will be my first book by this author, if you haven't got it yet, Tesco is doing a promotion for the next week I think where if you buy The Sun paper you get it for £2.
The guys talked about Cavanagh and Luca Vestes podcast, I have neverlistened to a podcast before but I think I will check this one out. They also chatted about their "band" and they will be playing in Bloody Scotland, if you haven't already you may want to check it out. Pictured is Mark reading out some of his one star reviews from Amazon, I LOVE when an author takes something negative and makes a positive from it. We all laughed at the daftness of some of them, brilliant!
I didn't get a chance to say hello or hug half the people I wanted to, there were so many great bloggers and authors in the audience. We had to leave pretty much as soon as it was over, I was just too sore. However we had a great night, the beautiful and talented Sharon from Chapter in my Life brought me a bookmark to cheer me up. I thought she had got it from the author for me, no, this talented beaut actually made it, have fantastic and thoughtful! I am honestly so blessed to have so many beautiful humans in my life.
My other friend brought me a book and some candles, spoiled! xxx
Wow, it sounds like a fun time and Th1rt3en looks good. Enjoy the goodies!