Saturday, 21 September 2019

C L Taylor and Craig Robertson Book Event

This was our first time going to this Waterstones, Byres road in Glasgow, the West end. Also our first time seeing C L Taylor, I have seen Craig Robertson at Edinburgh book festival or another book event.

Taylor was talking about her new book Sleep but also got into her earlier work, I didn't know she was originally a rom com writer, did you?

Sleep has been optioned so we may well see it on tv someday, fingers crossed, I would love to see quite a few books made into movies or tv.

Robertson talked about his book, he has another coming out next year I think (sorry I did't catch the name) and they both discussed names and how difficult it can be when you are trying to come up with one. He accidentally ended up with a name of a neighbour a few doors down!

Three of Taylor's books have stalkers in them and she talked about her own personal experience of stalking, pretty horrific but also so good she managed to take a negative and use her writing to take a positive from it. Her story of taking a photo of her wee one on a train and not looking at it until later was enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up!

The two just flowed and it wasn't until the last few minutes Robertson brought out the list of questions he had prepared earlier to ask, he hadn't needed them. If you get a chance to go to a book event please do, you support your authors, book stores and sometimes you get a few wee insider scoops. Like an author I really like who writes rom com is turning their hand to a crime novel oooooooh, gossip! It was lovely to actually meet Taylor, she is very nice, interesting and if the chance comes up, go and see these guys!

Afterwards both happily signed books, gabbed away and there was some wine provided for attendees (I don't drink wine nor alcohol if working the next day) I was happy to take the piccys and just gab.

A fab night, I seen some of my favs and had my wee Harry Potter shoes out for an outing, please support your book shops and authors guys, it is always a great night out!

SLEEP is only 99p on ebook and £3.99 paperback from Amazon, get your copy now CLICK HERE

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