Saturday, 3 June 2023

6 Ripley Avenue by Noelle Holten & giveaway

6 Ripley Avenue6 Ripley Avenue by Noelle Holten
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - < 2 days

Pages - 384

Publisher - One More Chapter

Source - Netgalley

Blurb from Goodreads


Jeanette is the manager of a probation hostel that houses high risk offenders released on license.

At 3am one morning, she receives a call telling her a resident has been murdered.

Her whole team, along with the eight convicted murderers, are now all suspects in a crime no one saw committed…

My Review

What a tag line, One House, 8 killers, no witnesses. I mean I am a Holten fan anyway so I was going to be reading this regardless but it is a great draw! Its a bit like a halfway house, these criminals are really dodgy bad guys, murderers, out with restrictions, they must be home between hours of X and Y. Substance testing, meetings etc, they are all dangerous and committed really bad crimes, therefore the community of course were up in arms about this house opening but it is established and going.....when a murder happens in the house *gasp* and everything really kicks off!

The book goes between characters points of view AND we hear from the killer without knowing who the actual killer is so I went a little Murder She Wrote and had tons of suspects, lmao I never get it right *sigh*

The unlikely friendship between the reporter Sloan and Helen, elderly lady who lives next door to the problem house, is sweet and I really felt for Helen. Helen was against the house from the beginning but finds sometimes keeping your enemies closer helps. Sloan is a character who has overcame some horrific personal battles, death of a loved one from murder, addiction only to come out the other side. Helen is lonely and connects with Sloan over their joint interest in no.6.

The book has some real unsavoury characters, skulduggery, insight into the killer I mean we hear directly from them without knowing who they are. The reader is drawn quickly into the story and kept intrigued and guessing as you go, looking forward to Holtens next, 4/5 from us!

View all my reviews

AND we are doing a wee giveaway so if you are in the UK and read ebooks you have the chance to enter and win a copy of 6 Ripley Avenue. It is UK only because Amazon doesn't allow me to gift outside my own country and the book is sent from Amazon to your kindle. Competition runs to the end of the month, entries are checked so please only complete those you have done.

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