Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Happy June beautiful people

Things have been a bit all over the place and I am a bit behind so trying to get back on it and we will start with our second June giveaway, our first can be accessed HERE. It is UK only, x1 ebook of "6 Ripley Aveue" by author Noelle Holten, UK only as it comes direct from Amazon and they don't allow you to gift outside your own country.

Up for grabs is, as pictured, x1 green dinousaur shaped, I have added a few piccys so you can see how it sits in the book.

IT is quite small/lightweight so will open this worldwide. Use the Rafflecopter below to enter, usual rules apply, please only complete the entries you actually do as winning entry is checked and every giveaway we have to disqualify people. Otherwise enjoy, good luck and keep your eyes peeled for additional giveaways coming (you can subscribe to the blog email and it sends emails out when there are new posts).

We will leave the post open for approx a month, we normally do to the end of the month but it is so late we will leave it up through to next month. Good luck all.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


More Competitions available at

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