Thursday, 21 December 2023

Interview with Author Robyn Kerr & competition

Welcome Robyn and thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule and gabbing with us about your debut novel "Failing Adult".

1. Tell us a bit about Robyn, who is Robyn?

Where do I start with the story of me? I suppose I’m definitely a wanderer, I love to travel and live in different countries and places. Usually either by working in hospitality or as a live in nanny. I’ve always had a great love and appreciation for Tv and film, mainly romantic or comedy focused pieces. I consider myself to be adventurous, I’ll try anything once and love doing new things. Things people would say about me, would be, I’m loud, with an even louder laugh, I’m funny, silly and hopefully, a good, kind person. Becoming a writer has certainly been a surprise, not only to me but everyone that knows me. I never did well in school and it came as no surprise when I was diagnosed as dyslexic.

2. How did the idea hit you wanted to write a book?

Well actually, I wanted and still want to be script writer. I started writing scripts when I lived in the states for two years, then when I came home I decided to gain more knowledge and skills by going to university. I started my creative writing degree four years ago, as a mature student. During my second year, I found my love of prose and gained the confidence within myself, to believe that I could write a book. So I did.

3. What research did you do?

My lectures taught me a lot about structure, storytelling and things to avoid. In regards to research for the book, that mainly came to personal experience and Google helped.

4. Are any of you characters based on real people or events?

Yes, and no. The supporting characters definitely have traits of some of my friends and family, but no one is directly based off anyone. Some of the smaller events are true events that happened me or my friends or both of us.

5. Is there going to be more in the series?

This is the first in a four part series, the first following Dotty, in her pursuit of personal growth and finding love. The second will follow her best friend and roommate, as she attempts to do the same.

6. Tell us about your publishing journey?

Publishing in any form is not for the faint hearted, it can be daunting, terrifying and all consuming. I decided very early on to not send my book to agents or publishers, but instead to self publish, well not completely self publish, I paid a three party to edit, proofread, design my front cover and format for me. Once that was all finished, I was on my own and the marketing began.

7. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

It sounds so clique but you need to just start writing. Even if the first few thousand words are utter rubbish, it’s the only way to learn and grow. Always remember that your work won’t be for everyone, take the praise and criticism. Your writing will find its audience and whatever you produce, be proud of it, writing isn’t easy and takes a lot of your heart and soul.

8. What are the pros and cons of writing a novel?

The pros are:
1. The unbelievable sense of pride and happiness finishing it and holding it in your hands.
2. Having even one person love your work.
3. Seeing your characters and story on black and white, instead of just in your head.

The cons are:
1. The time it takes.
2. The imposter feeling you get.
3. The fear everyone will hate it.

9. Do you have any quirks or rituals or lucky items/must haves?

I love a post it note and they are so handy in keeping track of things. For some reason, when I write, I need the Tv on. Often playing reruns of my favourite shows like Frasier or Schitt’s creek.

10. What is next for Robyn?

Currently writing the second book, which will hopefully be finished by March and released by summer. I also hope to in the next few years, be working in the Tv and film industry, you have to dream big after all. I also want to add a huge thank you to everyone that has supported and championed me so far, it means the absolute world to me.

We are huge supporters of authors where able and Robyn is a mate. Whilst I haven't yet read her book *gasp* I know I know, I have an ebook copy and a treebook copy, I recommend it all the time. To those who have read it, friends, sil, sister they all recommend it and looking forward to the next so I need to get a move on and read it myself. Anyways, we are doing a giveaway for x1 ebook copy of the book. Open UK ONLY as the ebook will come directly from Amazon to your kindle and Amazon won't allow me to gift outside my own country. In order to enter please use the Rafflecopter below, good luck and as always thanks for entering/sharing/supporting.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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