Sunday, 14 July 2024

JFK - The Conspiracy and Truth behind the assassinations by John Hughes - Wilson

JFK - The Conspiracy and Truth Behind the AssassinationJFK - The Conspiracy and Truth Behind the Assassination by John Hughes Wilson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - in and out over 5 days

Pages - 368

Publisher - JB

Source - The Works

Blurb from Goodreads

The killing of US President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, in November 1963, sent a shockwave around the world. The charismatic young Democrat was seen as a beacon of hope in the West, but his liberal reforming policies had made him many powerful enemies at home.

For sixty years, numerous theories have swirled around this key event in American - and world - history. Yet whatever the conclusions of the official Warren Report - that the President had been assassinated by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald - many people doubt that to be true. Indeed, President Nixon later admitted on tape that the report was 'a hoax committed on the American people.' John Hughes-Wilson, a former colonel in British Intelligence, has sifted through the millions of words and thousands of pieces of evidence, to put together an intelligence assessment of what really happened that dreadful high noon in Dallas in 1963.

Reading this astounding book, no one can be in any doubt that JFK's death was not at the hands of a lone deranged gunman, but a deadly plot to remove a President who threatened vested interests at home and abroad.

My Review

I think most of us have or had an interest in the JFK case, I certainly have since we learned about him/it in history. In this book the author has a look at everything that was reported, facts, speculation and some of his own opinions. He was a soldier so comments on the ability of the alleged weapon Lee Harvey Oswald apparently used as a lone gun man.

I think for me the biggest surprise was that JFK had so many enemies and was disliked/hated by men/organisations/people in power. The book goes over his fathers dodgy dealings and the family history (not in huge depth).

I didn't know the extent of corruption, he talks about the wounds/body being manipulated *gasp* I have seen s a few documentaries and the Kevin Costner movie (I am so going to rewatch it) and don't think I ever heard that. To be fair there was a few things in the book I hadn't heard about, the two coffins, the issues with witnesses. Threats galore and the author points out, even now (the bok was released only last year) that still a lot of information is not available to the public and lots that is has been heavily redacted.

It is wild just how much skulduggery was involved, how many potential people were involved in taking out a president and even after the fact how much manipulation/threats and deaths followed potential witnesses. I don't think we will ever fully know the truth about the assassination but there is no doubt it is fascinating, morbid, conspiracy theories galore, 4/5.

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