
Friday 9 August 2024

Swimming to Lundy by Amanda Prowse

Swimming to LundySwimming to Lundy by Amanda Prowse
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 1 day

Pages - 408

Publisher - Lake Union

Source - Arc

Blurb from Goodreads

A poignant and inspiring story from million-copy bestselling author Amanda Prowse about how it’s never too late to follow your dreams and find your way back to happiness.

Tawrie Gunn feels stuck. She’s spent her whole life in the same seaside town with her beloved Nana and grief-stricken mum, all of them still reeling in different ways from the tragic loss of Tawrie’s dad at sea. Desperate for a change, she challenges herself to take up wild swimming—every morning, no excuses, from March till September.

Daring to take the plunge with the ‘Peacock Swimmers’, Tawrie feels alive in a way she’s never known. Suddenly it seems she might be able to step outside her comfort zone after all and let life surprise her—perhaps even dream of a future beyond the shores of Ilfracombe? Especially when, one day, she spots a man in a pink linen shirt who seems as eager for a new start as she does.

But it turns out taking risks on land is a little different from wading into the sea. Can Tawrie face her fears head-on and find her way to happiness? She knows it’s never too late to pursue your hopes and dreams, but it might be easier said than done…

My Review

Two timelines, two main character threads. Tawrie, present day (well 2023) and Harriet 2002, we go back and forth between the two, very different ladies. Tawrie is stuck inher small town, with her gran and mum, mum is an alcoholic, she works for her cousin in a cafe and remains the solid in her little world. She takes up wild swimming and meets a fabulous older couple and a new person who makes her feel things she has never felt and opens up her life, heart, mind and to possibilities outside her tiny patch/routine with some life changing consequences. Harriet and her family have moved to escape that which turned their world upside down, slowly with each chapter we find out what that is and how Harriet will cope, did she make the right decision and can you ever outrun your problems?

The story has huge family themes, Tawrie is the only child and completely locked to her routine/family. Harriet is completely family orientated and struggling to come to terms with a revelation that rocked her family. Both timelines feature similar themes, love, family, sacrifice, putting your family first, their needs before yours and infidelity pops up too. Tawrie is on a journey, taking up wild swimming and finding a freedom she hasn't had before but also bringing her "closer" to her dad. Harriet takes solace in writing a diary to try and work through her thoughts/feelings and steps to getting through that which has threatened her family life and happiness.

Prowse has a way of creating characters you find yourself either drawn to or empathising with, they have the same issues we do or loved ones have went through. Alcoholism, loss, feelings of being trapped but wanting to be there for your family and do what is right. Personal growth, achievements, small town life, scandal, struggles within every day life. FYI even though the cover has shark fins I can confirm there are no sharks in the book lol. Pages turning, relatively short chapters which you know I love, drama, scandal, love, hope, family bonds, it has a bit of something for everyone. This isn't my first dance with this author, I have quite a few on my tbrm and more I need to buy. When you want to step out of your own life and into others for a wee bit Prowse is always a good shout, 4/5 for me.

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