Sunday, 19 January 2025

January's competition - better late than never

Hiya guys, I am so so sorry January's competition is so late in the month. We have had so much going on here :( but sure It can't rain all of the time and giveaways/raks/comps make me happy.

So what is up for grabs?

The winner will pick x1 of the Bendy Reading lam man, choice of either pink

or blue.

I have had one for ages and the light lasts a wee while, battery can be replaced but even when it gives out you still have a bookmark. I will use mine (white) to show it in action.

They can also be used to hold your phone if you like to listen to stuff as you are reading

It does give a decent bit of light.

They are pretty light in weight so I will make this one open worldwide. To enter, the usual, just use the Rafflecopter below. Please only fill in the entries you complete as all winning entries are always checked. Good luck, we will leave it open for the usual 4 weeks.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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